What is the root of all man’s troubles?

Date June 14, 2021

What is the root of all man’s troubles?  For the answer to this question that has been asked down through the ages, all we need to do is look to the Garden of Eden for the answer. It was man’s desire to be independent. It was man believing he could start living life outside of God’s principles and boundaries – this is the essence of all sin. Which, by the way, continues today.  This desire to control our own life means man will not have God to rule over him.  It also means man will not acknowledge and obey the law of God.  It means man will develop laws unto himself as the guide for his life. And so, man has attempted self-government, and the results have been an absolute failure. For thousands of years man has had the opportunity of guiding his own life, and we know what has happened in the history of the world. Man was never intended to be independent!  History has painted a dramatic picture of the predicament individuals and nations, who turn away from God, have created.  What the world needs, and what each person needs is the absolute Monarchy of the Lord Jesus Christ. If man would only recognize Christ, surrender to Him and allow Him to reign supreme in our hearts and lives, the difficulties of life would be met by the Gospel of peace and provide hope for a troubled world. ” Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, All day long I put my hope in you.” Psalm 25:4,5